Embed Excel spreadsheets, Visio diagrams, photos, and almost any other kind of computer file, in your OneNote notebooks.

Only available for current students, faculty and staff.On the download site, select your language and click install.Click on the Microsoft 365 icon and that will take you to the Microsoft 365 download site.Login to AccessUH with your cougarnet account.To download Office follow these simple steps: ( Note: Installing additional languages on a computer that already has this version of Office does not count against your install limit.) Microsoft 365 includes the latest version of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and more. Users will be able to download Office on up to five computers and five mobile devices. For University owned computers, please consult with your local IT support for your software needs. Faculty and staff can download Microsoft 365 only for their personal computers, Apple, Android and Microsoft mobile devices. The University of Houston provides Microsoft Office free to every student, faculty and staff member.

Websites, Web Services, Web Technologies.Classrooms, Computer Labs, Printing, Computing.Blackboard, Academic Learning and Staff Training Systems.